A comprehensive & flexible home insurance plan that covers your house & home contents against fire, burglary, armed robbery & other risks.
Get peace of mind by protecting your family home and personal possessions.
Our most popular features include

Natural Disasters
includes fire, earthquake, flood, lightning

Upgrade to Full Theft Coverage
for common break-ins to robberies

Coverage of up to 30% of your personal valuables
includes fine watches, designer handbags, electronic gadgets and jewelries
Replace old items with new itemsWe cover your household contents & personal possessions against events you can't control, such as fires and break-ins. We will replace your old items with brand new items of the closest equivalent make/model. |
Financial help for alternative accommodationIf your home is damaged by a natural disaster or fire, resulting in it being uninhabitable for more than 48 hours, we will pay you a lump sum payment for alternative accommodation. |
Natural disasters and eventsYour home & possessions are protected against natural disasters - including fires, lightning, thunderbolt, explosion & flood and natural events - including hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, windstorm, earthquake, volcanic eruption. |
24/7 ProtectionCovers your home contents while you’re away at work or vacation as well as your personal effects and belongings when you are inside or outside your home. |
Home Insurance policy covers the following:
a) Burglary and/or Robbery
We will reimburse you for:
i) Loss of or damage to household goods, personal effects and personal valuables;
ii) Loss of cash; and
iii) Replacement of lock and keys; damaged directly due to burglary
b) Fatal Injury We will reimburse you for fatal injury occurring in your private residence due to to burglary or robbery Additional benefits available, differ according to products & plans
You may use the industry-approved Building Cost Calculator which provides an estimate of the rebuilding cost of your property for evaluation purposes.
The total premium that you have to pay may vary depending on which product & plan you select. Premiums are inclusive of Service Tax (ST) of 6%.
Importance of disclosure:
- You must take reasonable care to ensure that all your answers to the questions are full, complete, correct and honest and to the best of your knowledge. This duty applies from the time you first signed up for the policy, when the terms are varied and at the time you renew your policy with us.
- You also have a duty to inform AIG Malaysia of any change in the information given to us earlier before we issue the policy schedule to you, before you renew or change any of the terms of your policy. If you don’t, your policy may be cancelled, or treated as if it never existed, or your claim rejected or not fully paid.
Monthly Coverage Product
It is automatically renewed until:
1. You stop paying the premium; or
2. Cancellation at your request.
Annual Coverage Product
You will receive a renewal notice to renew your existing policy, before policy expire.
1. Mail in / Walk in to customer service to request for renewal; or
2. Contact your existing agent to perform renewal
You may cancel your policy by giving us 30 days written notice. Since the payment is on a monthly basis, your coverage will continue for the remaining period for which premium has been paid. Coverage will terminate upon expiry of such period.
Annual Coverage Product
You may cancel your policy by giving us 7 days written notice & cancellation with refund (if applicable) will follow the product cancellation terms & conditions.